Thursday, June 3, 2010

Indian Flat bread: Roti

स्वागत वापस! Welcome back! Our global visits, take us today to the largest country in South Asia, the 7th largest country in the world and the second most populous country on the planet, with over 1 billion people, INDIA!!

Indian food is delicious, nutritious and if you want, a little spicy. I love Indian food with their spices such as curry and sauces such as tamarind. But hands down, one of my favourite Indian foods is Roti. It's delicious and if I could eat it with everything, I would. My favourite paring however is with some great curried chicken.

A super brief history of Indian flat breads
The Indian flat breads can be divided into three basic categories: deep fried breads (such as pooris and bhaturas), pan or shallow fried breads (such as parathas) and lastly, dry breads (such as rotis, chapathis and naans). These breads are found typically in northern Indian cuisine. They are made mainly of wheat and can be served either plain or stuffed.

The possibilities are endless! With a little creative imagination, Indian flat breads can add a whole new dimension to an already wonderful meal.

Here goes!


4 cups of whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups of water
*Keep aside a little flour for dusting


1. In a large mixing bowl, gradually add the water to the flour and mix well until you have stiff dough. The easiest way to do this is by using clean hands
2. Knead the dough until it yields a smooth texture and consistency
3. Cover with a slightly damp cloth and let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes
4. Knead the dough again and divide into 8 equal portions
5. Roll the individual portions into round balls (golf ball size)
6. Take 1 round ball at a time and flatten it into a round disk using your palms
7. Dust your work area and rolling pin with a little bit of flour to prevent sticking
8. Gently roll the flattened ball into a circle, making sure the roti is even in thickness9. Keep rolling until you have created a thin round roti approximately 8 inches in diameter.
10. Heat a large frying pan on medium heat, add a little butter (or even cooking spray may be used)
11. Carefully place the roti in the pan
12. After a minute or so, turn the roti. Both sides should be golden brown

Hope you enjoy it. Pair it with some curries or eat it by itself. It's going to be great either way!


From me to you

Buon Appetito!

Lisa Rhooms

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